DIY Residential Solar Panels

There are a number of factors you should consider when building your own home solar panels.

1) Cost - the biggest factor to consider in building your own home solar panels is cost of solar cells. New solar cells tend to be rather expensive, however, you can cut corners by purchasing factory seconds or used, slightly damaged solar cells on eBay at a fraction of the cost.

2) Size of solar cells - larger solar cells produce more power, but the solar panels will end up being large, heavy, and difficult to maneuver. Using smaller cells will keep your solar panels small and light, but these will produce less power. Whatever you end up doing, stick to the same cell size. Do not mix cell sizes because the current your panel can produce will be limited by the smallest cell in the group and the larger cells will not used to their full potential.

3) Total power - the amount of power your solar panel can produce is measured by the number of amps multiplied by the number of volts contained in the total number of solar cells in one panel.

4) Protecting your solar cells from the elements - I recommend placing a clear protective cover over your solar cells - plexiglass is a good, durable option.

DIY Residential Solar Panel Guide

One of the best DIY Home Solar Power Guides is published by a company called Earth4Energy. This manual makes it really simple to build working solar panels for your house over a weekend. Complete with detailed instructions, illustrations and step by step videos, it's hard to go wrong with Earth4Energy

Click Here to Get Your Residential Solar Power Guide and Save Money on Electricity!

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