DIY Residential Solar Panels

Going off the grid is no longer just about going green and saving the planet. Going off the grid has now become a cost cutting measure homeowners are taking in order to take control of rising electricity costs. Installing DIY residential solar panels is becoming more and more commonplace, however, most people can’t afford the $20K price tag that professional solar installation costs.

Building your own home solar panels is a lot cheaper, and it’s not even half as difficult as you may think. And it’s fun. Instead of paying $20K for a professional solar power system, you can build several solar panels for as little as $100. Several solar panels can completely eliminate your electricity bill. Think of how much you can save over time.

If you don’t have the slightest idea on how to build a solar power system, you can find residential solar panel kits or guides that can walk you through each step. You can buy pre-made solar panels or assemble the panels yourself. Whichever route you take, you can find many great do-it-yourself residential solar panel guides off of the Internet. The key is to choose a system that works the best for you. These DIY residential solar panel guides cost money, but it is a small price to pay for the money you will save in the long run.

DIY Residential Solar Panel Guide

One of the best DIY Home Solar Power Guides is published by a company called Earth4Energy. This manual makes it really simple to build working solar panels for your house over a weekend. Complete with detailed instructions, illustrations and step by step videos, it's hard to go wrong with Earth4Energy

Click Here to Get Your Residential Solar Power Guide and Save Money on Electricity!

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Solar power is the generation of electricity from sunlight. Solar photovoltaics (PVs) are arrays of cells that contains a material which can convert solar radiation into direct current electricity. A solar panel is basically a box that holds an large enough array of solar photovoltaic cells that can convert sunlight into a meaningful amount of energy.

Capturing solar energy for industrial use began over 100 years ago, but solar power back then was used primarily for the production of steam which could then be used to power machinery. But it wasn't until the discovery of the "photovoltaic effect" by Henri Becquerel that would allow the conversion of sunlight directly into solar electric energy.

Today, solar panels and complete solar panel systems are used to power a wide variety of applications. With photovoltaic production doubling every 2 years, solar photovoltaics s the world's fastest-growing energy technology. At the same time, due to advances in solar technology and increases in manufacturing scale and sophistication, the cost of producing solar photovoltaics has declined steadily since the first solar cells were created. This means that affordable solar power is effectively available to anyone with the inclination to go off the grid.

DIY Residential Solar Panel Guide

One of the best DIY Home Solar Power Guides is published by a company called Earth4Energy. This manual makes it really simple to build working solar panels for your house over a weekend. Complete with detailed instructions, illustrations and step by step videos, it's hard to go wrong with Earth4Energy

Click Here to Get Your Residential Solar Power Guide and Save Money on Electricity!

There are a number of factors you should consider when building your own home solar panels.

1) Cost - the biggest factor to consider in building your own home solar panels is cost of solar cells. New solar cells tend to be rather expensive, however, you can cut corners by purchasing factory seconds or used, slightly damaged solar cells on eBay at a fraction of the cost.

2) Size of solar cells - larger solar cells produce more power, but the solar panels will end up being large, heavy, and difficult to maneuver. Using smaller cells will keep your solar panels small and light, but these will produce less power. Whatever you end up doing, stick to the same cell size. Do not mix cell sizes because the current your panel can produce will be limited by the smallest cell in the group and the larger cells will not used to their full potential.

3) Total power - the amount of power your solar panel can produce is measured by the number of amps multiplied by the number of volts contained in the total number of solar cells in one panel.

4) Protecting your solar cells from the elements - I recommend placing a clear protective cover over your solar cells - plexiglass is a good, durable option.

DIY Residential Solar Panel Guide

One of the best DIY Home Solar Power Guides is published by a company called Earth4Energy. This manual makes it really simple to build working solar panels for your house over a weekend. Complete with detailed instructions, illustrations and step by step videos, it's hard to go wrong with Earth4Energy

Click Here to Get Your Residential Solar Power Guide and Save Money on Electricity!

Essentially, building solar panels for your residence can be broken down to these basic steps:

1) Purchase solar cells

2) Build the solar panel frame

3) Solder together the solar cells

4) Connect solar cells into rows and assemble them in the frame

5) Cover the panel with a protective layer

6) Seal the edges

DIY Residential Solar Panel Guide

One of the best DIY Home Solar Power Guides is published by a company called Earth4Energy. This manual makes it really simple to build working solar panels for your house over a weekend. Complete with detailed instructions, illustrations and step by step videos, it's hard to go wrong with Earth4Energy

Click Here to Get Your Residential Solar Power Guide and Save Money on Electricity!

Here's a great Discovery Channel video that shows how solar panels are made.

DIY Residential Solar Panel Guide

One of the best DIY Home Solar Power Guides is published by a company called Earth4Energy. This manual makes it really simple to build working solar panels for your house over a weekend. Complete with detailed instructions, illustrations and step by step videos, it's hard to go wrong with Earth4Energy

Click Here to Get Your Residential Solar Power Guide and Save Money on Electricity!

There are numerous DIY home solar panel guides you can purchase off the Internet with an immediate download. However, not all guides are equal! Here are some tips when evaluating which guide to purchase.

1. Make sure the guide has clear, step by step instructions, with lots of diagrams and illustrations. Usually, the vendor will indicate this on their website.

2. Video instruction is critical to ensure that there is little room for error on some of the more tricky or technical aspects of the project.

3. Make sure the vendor provides technical support by email or phone in case you get stuck. Sometimes vendors will have a support forum which allows other members to also help each other out.

4. Look for guides that include an unconditional money back guarantee - it indicates that the company is willing to stand by their product.

5. A downloadable DIY home solar power guide should not cost over $60. A lot of this information is available for free over the internet, but finding and processing it all yourself can be a time consuming challenge. With the vast availability of information on DIY solar power, a company wanting to charge you hundreds of dollars o access their unique, revolutionary method is more than likely to be questionable.

Set up your home solar energy system today!

DIY Residential Solar Panel Guide

One of the best DIY Home Solar Power Guides is published by a company called Earth4Energy. This manual makes it really simple to build working solar panels for your house over a weekend. Complete with detailed instructions, illustrations and step by step videos, it's hard to go wrong with Earth4Energy

Click Here to Get Your Residential Solar Power Guide and Save Money on Electricity!